10 Aug 2010


So I've been over here at the Fringe for almost a week now, and I'm having a great fucking time! All the people who work at the Stand are really friendly, and seem like genuine comedy fans. The room I'm doing (Stand 4) is very small, which is just as well, as I'm having a bit of a hard time drawing a crowd. Yesterday got cancelled because only two people bought tickets, and I knew one of them. Sunday was almost sold out though, so being here is very much like being a manic depressive. But cancelling yesterday meant I had the chance to see Nick Sun do his show over at Stand 2, and I laughed my ass off! Nick only had two people in the crowd when we got there, which made me feel even worse for cancelling. I won't do that again, unless no one shows up.

I'm also doing a bunch of shorter sets around town, and most of them have been really good. You need that boost of adrenaline that comes from performing in front of a bigger crowd, and it brings back some of the confidence that an audience in the single digits just staring at you might suck out of you.

There have been a couple of reviewers at the shows, but I haven't seen anything in print yet. My friend Magnus Betnèr got a good review in The List, and I want to thank him for plugging my show. Tonight I'm doing "Political Animals" at Stand 1 right after I'm done with my show, and its being hosted by Andy Zaltzman, who is a great comic. I'm looking forward to catching his show as well at some point. Now, time for a breakfast pint.

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